Fields of Interest


After several years dedicated to architectural design, I have started the formal study of a field that has always been calling me - vegetation and landscaping. This is perfectly linking to my whole understanding regarding sustainability and can easily be seen in my Final Project and in some other academic projects.

My interests have moved around the sustainability topic – first, concerning materials, recyclability and passive systems in buildings; then, I got interested in the flexible housing and the possibility of fast changes that a system may offer in order to meet the necessities of a community. And finally, I am exploring the urban reactivation or renewal by active participatory processes, and especially the theme of the self-management and the flexibility in the connection with the institutions.

I am interested in developing my professional experience to the field of landscaping, gardening and green systems in architecture (green roofs or vertical gardens, closed and self-sufficient systems, etc.) and linking them to architectural design to develop customized and more energy-efficient buildings.    

If you can recommend me a company in that field (for my future obligatory traineeship) or you consider that a specific course might be taken to have a better insight on the field, I will really appreciate it. 

Mis intereses siempre se han movido alrededor del tema de Sostenibilidad en sus múltiples aspectos - desde materiales de construcción, su reciclabilidad y sistemas pasivos en edificios; luego tratando sistemas de viviendas flexibles, dando la posibilidad de cambios rápidos y económicos para responder a las nuevas necesidades de los habitantes y de comunidades. En los últimos años me atrae la reactivación o la renovación urbana a través de procesos de participación activa, y especialmente el tema de autogestión y la flexibilidad de las relaciones con las instituciones.
Por mi experiencia hasta ahora, los trabajos de arquitectura se complementan positivamente con temas sociales y culturales y esta retroalimentación se convierte en el motor de llevar un proyecto a buen puerto.

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