Chimera of a Lion

Today was the inauguration of the"Lion" in its former place, from where it was removed almost 40 years ago due to the building of the ensamble of the National Palace of Culture. It was very nice to see in the online newspapers that many people were there paying tribute to the dead soldiers in the recent Bulgarian history. Many of them have relatives that were killed during the wars in the XX c. and longed for a place where to remember them, but it is a pity that many others joined in this polemic fight in the last years because of nationalistic ideals and military pride. And even more striking are the actions of Sofia Municipality in this conflict, disregarding art and professionals and despite its verbal struggle for democracy, there was a lack of democratic approach in dealing it.

A Sunday Walk in the Marxalenes Park

What can be done in an autumn Sunday morning in Valencia? Well, why not visiting one of the famous public parks in the city? I have been reading about it in architectural magazines and its artistic fence caught my attention when passing by. It was designed some years ago to include homage to the huerta. Now it was the moment to check out the Marxalenes Park.


Here comes the 2nd edition of BONIC/A FEST organized by Regidoria de Comerç i Abastiment de València. A wonderful event that happens for second consecutive year in Valencia with the main goal to attract the attention to the municipal markets.